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About Us


Furzehill Childcare Centre has a commitment to ensure that the provision provided for children families and carers, is of a quality and standard fundamental to the development of all children. We undertake to ensure that the centre provides a safe, stimulating and caring environment that welcomes everyone irrespective of culture, race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and ability. Policies and procedures that are kept up to date and reviewed regularly will ensure the welfare of the children, parents, staff and volunteers and comply with local and national legislation.


During your child’s stay at the setting we aim to:

  • Support and progress your child’s development socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually

  • Provide a wide range of resources and experiences

  • Deliver and plan a holistic curriculum to meet the Early Years Foundation Stage framework to stimulate lively and enquiring minds

  • Help your child grow as an individual, learning to care and respect others, set their own challenges and make decisions

  • Help your child grow in confidence and independence

  • Ensure that all planning reflects the needs of all children and gives them a solid foundation to build upon when they move onto school


We will achieve our aims by:

  • Regular communication with parents, carers, professionals and other outside agencies

  • Working in partnership with others to ensure a holistic approach to supporting a child and their family

  • Respecting the needs of individuals and valuing everyone with equal worth and respect

  • Providing and accessing regular training and information for all staff and volunteers working in the nursery

  • Providing a wide range of suitable equipment, resources and materials

  • All adults acting as positive role models

  • Complying with legislation and regulations in accordance with the Children’s Act, and other Legal frameworks and policies

  • Planning a curriculum which encompasses the six early learning goals and one which reflects a positive approach to learning through play

  • Planning for the long, medium and short term, ensuring progression and differentiation through a continuous cycle of planning, observing, recording, assessing and reviewing

main room 2
main room
home corner
main room 1
outside 1
outside 2
water pump tray
tuff trays
small room
small room 2
home corner
sleep area
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